The Yellow Reef

Nogle siger, at det blæser 300 dage om året i Vestjylland, resten af tiden stormer det.

We wouldn’t say it was as bad as that, but it does pay to treat the sea with respect.

Derfor kan De trygt regne med, at hvis turen bliver aflyst, så er det ikke, fordi skipper trænger til en fridag, men på grund af vejret. Vinden kan være et stort problem og kan i perioder desværre give mange aflysninger på Vestkysten.

You will get your money back if the trip is canceled. We are also helpful in finding a new date where we then hope the weather is better.

The distance to the Yellow Reef is about 1½ – 2 hours sailing.

The Yellow Reef is a high plateau area on the edge of the Norwegian Deep.

The whole area is about 150 km long and on average 20 km wide.

The part of the Yellow Reef that is fished most from Hanstholm is about 60 km long.

Hele sæsonen fanges der hovedsagligt torsk – men også sej, langer og lubber m.m.
Fisk over 20 kg fanges der hvert år.

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